Thursday, April 12, 2007

Week 2 in Learn 2.0

As much as the "7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners" presentation slowed down my whole process in the Week 1 module (not that I can't see how useful it may be to others, but it just seemed really boring to me), the Adventure activity of this week really spurred my interest.

I really appreciate the blogs that OCLS already uses (especially the Orange Slices on the Orange Peel), and I would love to see us move into an even broader range of links (maybe even making something like Orange Slices available to the public). I feel as though our patrons would like to have access to things we are interested in, the ways in which current technology trends are being incorporated into our website, and so on. While the current public OCLS blogs are great for getting information about what our branches are doing and what the library system is doing as a whole, I would like to see us move in a more casual, "look what else is going on in the world of libraries" direction, too.

Through the Adventure activity, I found the Blatant Berry blog on Library Journal. His journal had an interesting article about the movement towards more and more library jobs being taken from degree holders by employers who move towards giving previously MLS job requirements to non-degree holders. Not having a degree myself, but planning to get one in the future, I find this debate very interesting. I also really liked the Librarian Avenger and the Shifted Librarian. In case you're interested, the Shifted Librarian has a neat link to Myxer involving library-related ringtones, as well as an article concerning a proposed bill to filter all library computers (even staff computers), with a $100-a-day fee for any noncompliance.

All in all, I found Week 2 to be very useful and interesting, and I have high hopes for future modules and the things I can learn from them.

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